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We regularly are asked, "What is your favorite way to brew your coffee?"

After much thought, analysis, and discussion as a family we decided to make separate list. Click on the images for more details about the brewing process.


Derek's Top 3: Chemex · Cold Brew Toddy · Espresso

Pam's Top 3: Chemex · Moka Pot · Pour Over

Kids' Top Choice: Chemex



Our family choice and favorite. Makes about 3-4 cups. Crisp and smooth flavor!

Auto Drip

Classic go to for many for their morning cup. Simple, easy to use, and makes multiple cups.

Pour Over

Delicious flavor, requiring patience, and makes one cup at a time.

French Press

Strong and bold flavor with heavy body. Serves 2-3 cups.

Cold Brew Toddy

Smooth, sweet, and delicious coffee. 10-12 cups.

Moka Pot

Strong and rich flavors just beneath the strength of espresso. Serves 1-2 cups.


Bold and flavorful. Usually has a slight bite and punch to it. Serves 1 cup.


Smooth, rich, and clean flavor with strength similar to Moka Pot. Serves 1 cup.

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